Urząd Miasta Krakowa
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Krakow is a modern metropolis with over a million people working in it. Krakow is 140 thousand students, 23 universities, over 200 international corporations employing nearly 80 thousand people in sectors such as finance, IT, services, research and development, business analytics. We base the development of the city, among others on intelligent management and strengthening the sector of modern services and research and development. That is why we focus on innovation and effective cooperation between science, business and local government.

Krakow is unique. However, Krakow's uniqueness is not just a gift passed on by successive generations; it is also the resources developing over the years for creating development and raising the quality of life. They are the unique qualities of the city that enable growing global problems to be faced effectively. the sector of modern services and research and development. That is why we focus on innovation and effective cooperation between science, business and local government.

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