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Magdalena Adamowicz, PhD
Member of the European Parliament, University of Gdańsk
Paweł Althamer
sculptor, performer
Professor Guy Alaerts, PhD
IHE Delft International Institute for Water Education
Bartłomiej Biga, PhD
Cracow University of Economics, Vice-Chairman of the OEES Program Council
Brunon Bartkiewicz
CEO, ING Bank Śląski
Dominika Bettman
CEO, Siemens Polska
Edwin Bendyk
CEO, Stefan Batory Foundation
Grzegorz Belica
Leader of the maker movement organizations
Irena Bokova
Former General Director UNESCO
Izabela Van den Bossche
Communications Vice-President, City Solutions, Fortum
Kamila Bondar
CEO, The ING Polish Art Foundation
Małgorzata Bobrowska, PhD
Business Development Manager, Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Polska
Miłosz Bembinow, PhD
composer, conductor; Vice-president, Polish Society of Authors and Composers ZAiKS
Olga Brzezińska
President of the City of Literature Foundation, Programme Director of the Miłosz Festival
Paweł Boguszewski, PhD
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Professor Ewa Bińczyk, PhD
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Professor Jan Błeszyński, PhD
University of Warsaw
Professor Jerzy Buzek, PhD
Rafał Benecki
Chief Economist, Director of Macroeconomic Analyses Office, ING Bank Śląski
Wiktoria Brauksiepe
Member of the Board, CFO, Henkel Polska
Takes part in